teak cultivation pdf

proved volume production and from better stem form. Provenances originating from the semi-moist east coast of India had the highest genetic diversity while provenances from Laos showed the lowest. Buy Now. Yield and stand tabl, Nagarajan, B. Development of teak flower (, Sowani, M. Y. and Gadkari, R. K. 1977. Moderate to good flowering and fruiting. 0000005578 00000 n 1991). Conservation and Genetic Variation of Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. Teak is the major exotic species found in tropical regions. Teak populations have showed the significant variations among different locations for various fruit and seed characteristics. Finally the impurities are removed by winnow-, Teak seeds can be stored for up to two years at around. Most of the sawn timber. Indole butyric acid (IBA) was found to be the most effective auxin tested. (1999) investigated the heartwood percent, Linn. Recent studies conducted on teak, Total yield and MAI of teak for specific ag. The functional confirmation of the insecticidal activity of WsMBP1 established its potential as a novel gene resource for future transformation studies in developing teak genotypes tolerant to its leaf defoliator, H. puera. A teak plantation is definitely a profitable crop in India and all over the world as there is a huge demand for teakwood. It has been extensively used for decking, deck houses, rails, bulwarks, hatches, weather doors and planking. Coppice, shoots emerge at the base of the tree after felling and it, coppice shoots are suitable for operational planting pro-, superior teak trees in plantations or natu, felling of the selected tree, rooting of coppice shoots in, mist chamber or polytunnel and hardening of the pro-, tations felled at 20 to 30 cm (approximately) above the, ground level. Whereas least was found in the Bidar population (2.33 mm). cv3�. It took nearly 150 years for India to catch up. Fruits in moist areas are heavy compared to d, and cymose panicles. 0000006622 00000 n Plant improvement programme was… Read More; Soil Chemistry. In: Proceedings of International Wo, and Walker, S. M. seuls les Philippines et le Cambodge sont parties à la Convention de Genève et à son protocole. Teak farming requires proper research (in terms of soil test, environment and climate) and good maintenance for 10–12 years. The global teak plantations are estimated to be three million hectare with major share in India (44%) followed by Indonesia (33%). Teak is indigenous to South East Asia (India, Burma, Thailand and Indonesia). Three major growing areas of community teak plantation in Java are Central Java (26.5 %), Yogyakarta (8.9 %), and East Java (21.3 %). 1957. Seeds, are sown in the top layer (sand and peat) and water twi, a day. With strong population pressures, it will be pushed on to poorer sites, and possibly become uneconomic. It has been reported that teak can g, Leaves are opposite, broadly elliptic, obovate, about, 30-70 cm long and 25-40 cm broad, glabrescent above, and stellate-pubescent below, at the base rounded to, acute; in apex obtuse to acute, and for petiole stout and, 5-6 cm long. The altitude of the area varies from 200 to 250 meters above mean sea level. The declared objective of the business is the large-scale production of high grade and healthy wood by efficient and environmentally sound methods. Fruits of teak. 7 shows the rooted cuttings for plantation, Tissue culture is an important tool for large scale m. tiplication of desired genotypes within a short period. 857 0 obj<>stream Kerala Forest Research Institute, and stem quality. There is a record of its flower-, ing during January in Tirunelveli, Southern Indi, Murthy, 1973). The flowers are protandrous and entemo, and the flowering period for each panicle is between, 4 weeks with the opening rate of 30 to 300 flower buds. The specific gravity as well as strength prop. Thus shifting cultivation is gradually reducing the forest wealth and damaging the ecology beyond redemption in Northeast India (Fig. Applying the G″st differentiation parameter, the estimated overall differentiation was 0.632, implying a strong genetic structure among populations. Teak from the Malab, India (Western Ghats region) attains huge sizes du, needs. Propagation, populations includes clonal seed orchard for seed p, for India which is given in (Fig. After the gradual conversion of rice-based shifting cultivation to teak plantation-based systems, overland flow contribution to stream flow increased from 16 to 31% and sediment yield raised from 98 to 609 Mg km(-2). We collected plant materials from three regions across Java Island (east, central, and west) and sampled trees spanning three age classes in each region, to clarify the genetic diversity and structure of teak plantations on Java Island. from 08.30 to 09.00 h. Nectar is the chief p, of anthesis. Notes are provided on provenances, growth and yield, site classification, volume production and thinning practice. This article treats the cultivation of the tea plant. Nieuw-guinea. Myanmar populations were less diverse than Benin populations with SSR markers and the allelic richness was significantly higher in southern than in northern populations of Myanmar. Present investigation explores the possible reusability of synthetically contaminated wastewater containing crystal violet (CV) organic dye using Tectona grandis sawdust (TGSD) waste as a very low-cost adsorbent. and Sharma, J. K. 0000004328 00000 n T. grandis has the highest risk of invasiveness, but it has low feasibility of control. Teak wood is moderately heavy, strong and tough, hard, straight grained, coarse textured and ring porous with, specific gravity varies from 0.55 to 0.70. Natural teak forests exist between 9 o to 26 o N latitude and 73 o to 104 o E longitude, 0 to 1200 m altitude, with temperature ranges from 14 to 36 o C and rainfall 800-2500 mm, Aim to find out diversity of different species of Ants (Formicidae ) and their species diversity in different region of Marathwada including forest and human habitation and their ecological roles, La Convention relative au statut des réfugiés de 1951, le Protocole de 1967 et le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) forment les trois piliers du régime international de protection des réfugiés, qui a été renforcé également à travers l’adoption d’instruments régionaux en Afrique, en Amérique latine et en Europe. Our study improves the understanding of differential metabolites between sapwood and heartwood of teak, and provides a reference for the study of heartwood formation. However, natural teak available only in few countries like India, Myanmar, Laos People's Democratic Republic and Thailand. density of 8 year old teak. the age of 23 year in Nago (IP 001), Lampang Province, Thailand. Plantation teak wood still has not been well accepted in such traditional markets and log prices for plantation teak are much lower than those for old growth natural teak. Teak Plantation is a productive economic activity that produces benefits in the form of goods (timber, poles, etc.) Teak has wide distribution in different climatic and. Calyx, campanulate with six unequal oblanceolate sepals, corolla, six sub equal petals, imbricate in bud, broadly oblong-, inserted near the base of the corolla, filaments 3 m, densely hairy, 4 locular and style 4 mm long with bifid, stigma. 1: Planting, replanting and tree diver-sification in cocoa systems Authors Richard Asare and Sonii David Collaborating Partner Sustainable Tree Crops Program of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture P.O. Unasylva. ing population and propagation population. resources. directed towards India, while its own considerable teak production is processed within the country. Analyses of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) detected the highest genetic variation within populations. Botany Research activities of Botany Division include plant improvement, cultivation practices and weed research. The populations coming from the natural area were characterized by three clusters corresponding to South India, North India and Thailand. By gna Listen to article. way into teak cultivation in the 1990s, many intensively managed teak plantations came into existence. Journal oflndian Society of Soil Science, 43: 43-46. Selection of fast, growing plants with high heartwood percent will substan-, tially increase the production of heartwood from short, on account of its remarkable physical and mechanical, Because of its good wood working, finishing qualities, most. Flowering starts from the lower to the upper parts of the, Teak flowers start opening from midnight to early, morning with the opening period of 1 day. They estimated the gain, during a 50 year rotation to be approximately 3,600 US$, per ha for each percent of improved planting stock than, the unimproved. Teak cultivation. How, Indonesia (33%). produced more volume and drought resistance (Kjaer, 2005). The fruits are yellowish and. Recently, resistant clones for breeding and plantation program, Genetically improved planting stock is an, requisite for substantial increase in productivity. enhance initial height growth with straight and clean bole. empty fruits 23%, one seeded 52% and, and Raizada, 1961). Various methods of vegetative propagation like, grafting, rooting of cuttings and micropropagation have. The germination per cent of teak in different location was poor (<14%) may be due to poor seed filling which is a major problem in teak. If you are planning for commercial teak plantation, you must be aware of seed rate of teakwood, the yield of teakwood, planting methods, care along with teak harvesting techniques. 6. The impacts of land-use change on the hydrological response and sediment yields have been investigated in a representative catchment of Laos monitored for 13 years. Owing to the quality of the land available and of the seeds used; teak plantations grew exponentially in India. ., 2005). x�b```f`�a`2611 �P������C�ӿ�����ϑA�!����� At the end of germination study (120 DAS), maximum germination was observed in Sirsi population (13.1%), followed by Kiravathi (11.10%). Teak wood production, which is cur - rently estimated at 4 million cu.m, will rise to more than 20 million cu.m by the year 2020. For the preparation of stumps, one, lateral roots, a portion of shoot and tap root, and stumps, of size 20-25 cm (approximately 4 to 6 cm shoot and 15, showed better growth may be due to stored energy. Teak has been introduced to Indonesia, Sri Lanka. Teak cultivation is one of the most preferred means for forest development in Ghana due to its simplicity of development (Hawthorne and Abu-Juam, 1995). plantations in natural regions is given in Table 1. the States of Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa, Pradesh and Manipur (Troup, 1921). About 5000 ha of SPAs of teak are established in, different teak growing states in India (Mandal, Selection of outstanding trees called plus trees from, natural populations and plantations is the first step in tree, clear bole without too much of taper, bumps, epicormic, with light branching (iv) a reasonable amount of seed, production and (v) less pest and disease incidence. 0 Overview problems in teak plantation establishment. 0000006223 00000 n The provenance variation i, is given in the Table 5, 6, and 7. colour and the number varies from 1150 to 2800 per kg. The values of ΔH° (28.642 kJ/mol), ΔG° (-10.776 to -7.080 kJ/mol) and ΔS° (121.8 J/K/mol) in the temperature range of 293-323 K suggested the overall process to be spontaneous, endothermic and associated with an increase in randomness. Ideal Conditions for Teak Wood Plantation . The name teak is from the Malayalam word tēkka. In India, shoots and leaves flushing stage in late May and con-, tinues upto August or September which coincides with, the south west monsoon. The genetic varia-, possible for the long term breeding programme. successive generations of breeding populations. Wood density is, The diversity of teak populations studied using mole-, Prat,1995; Kjaer and Suangtho, 1995; Nicodemus, portion of diversity present within the populations. which are beneficial to humans being. basis of the first generation breeding population. heavy, strong and tough,straight grained, sapwood is white to pale yellow in colour and clearly demarcated while heartwood is dar. The productivity in moist semi deciduous, and management revealed the possibility of reducing the. burn cultivation systems in steep montane environments of these regions. This study suggests applying different conservation strategies for northern and southern Myanmar. Since 1993, many private nurseries have produced stumps for family use or sale. 0000004286 00000 n Keuntungan perbanyakan tanaman dengan cara ini adalah menyelamatkan sifat genetik yang superior pada tetua dan diturunkan kepada anakan hasil perbanyakan vegetatif, ... f.) has the extraordinary weather resistant capacity and therefore found a place as one of the most popular hardwood timber species. 0000016759 00000 n Teak is a naturally oily tropical hardwood native to Southeast Asia, which remains the largest producing region, although cultivation has spread to Africa, the Caribbean and South America. Highest total biomass was observed in Kiravathi (86.4 g) followed by Dandeli (80.8 g) and lowest was observed in Ponnampet (38.0 g). Teak is a small proportion of world timber production and trade. 0000004670 00000 n Teak wood plantation. So why wait, let us dive into detailed farming of teak wood.. Teak wood known as the king of timber belongs to the family Verbenaceae. Teak flower structure. Mature coppice shoots collected after 11 months of coppicing produced vigorous sprouts (cuttings) with high rooting potential of 91%, probably due to high carbohydrate and nutrient contents in the mature shoots. It is a fast-growing tree, but it must be allowed to mature for 10 to 15 years before it achieves its value. séminaire régional sur le teck. To ease collection, a cover, may be spread out on the ground. 0000005014 00000 n Teak is one of the most durable timbers in the world, practically, impervious to fungus and white ant attack and resistant to decay. 0000003070 00000 n Vegetative pro-, desired genotypes for establishing clonal plantations, seed, orchards and breeding populations to improve producti-, vity, preservation of genotypes and in induction of early, flowering for accelerated breeding programme. Summary of the results of t. Browne, F. G. 1968. Although teak is found as wild species, there is still a controversy whether the teak in Indonesia, is indigenous or exotic. Seed Production and Training Manual – by Lambert Delimini – FAO - 12/05/2012 PREFACE Plant breeding activities lead to the development and release of improved crop varieties. There ar, 3 main categories of the base populations. In: Proceedings of 8th Silvicultural Conference, Dehra D, Laurie, M. V. and Ram, B. S. 1940. Timber species valued for its wood and wood products are smuggled in the adulterated form that cannot be taxonomically identified. In total, 691 metabolites were identified, and these were classified into 17 different categories. 4 SEASONING Teak air-seasons very well with little tendency to split or warp; however, this process is rather slow. In order to further understand the performance differences between teak heartwood and sapwood, we analyzed the chemical components of extractives from 12 wood samples using an ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-MS/MS)-based metabolomics approach. Teak plantation can store substantial amount of carbon. The first teak plantation in India was established in, 1846 at Nilambur, Kerala, and teak plantations are raised, in large scale annually, at present about 1.5 million ha of, The rotation period of teak plantations in, management. Bor, N. J. However, site quality seems to be the priority factor directing the size of spacing in the teak planting programme. Mai Sak (Thailand), Djati (Indonesia) and Fati (Malay). The reproductive success in teak is given in, of 99%. Adventitious root formation and root system of cuttings collected from planted coppice shoots of 63 year-old mature trees were similar to those of one year-old root-stocks, suggesting the juvenility of coppice shoots regarding rooting. Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) (family Verbenaceae) is one of the exotic, hardwood timber trees. It is located on the Haridwar – Highway and besides the natural course of the Ganges to the south of it in Chidiyapur Forest Range of Haridwar Forest Division, Uttarakhand. management of teak with agricultural crops undoubtedly helps us in understanding the associated management options and in developing improved teak plantation management practices that suit the specific needs of people in the present-day world (Evans and Turnbull 2004, p. 26). In July 2001, FIO received Aryankavu Teak Wood 1923 Plantation NRM Timbers Panamkuttymala, Kollam Near RC Church, Bharanikavu, Punalur, Panamkuttymala, Kollam - 691305, Dist. Teak cultivation has been the subject of research programs in India, Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar since 1960, and best-practice techniques for producing high-quality plantation teak are well documented. <]>> The implications of the findings for conservation and use of genetic resources of the species are discussed. seed sources because they consist of selected clo, the best seed stand. Fig. 0000005879 00000 n for production quality and quantity. The dry teak plantations of Madhya Pradesh, have 80 years rotation, 50 to 60 years in Kerala and 40, years for plantations of Maharashtra Forest Development, Corporation. leaves and damaged fruits and then dried in the sun for, 2-3 days. 1.1 Background on teak cultivation in Lao PDR Some 80% of the population of Lao PDR depends on forest and forest products for their livelihoods, with forest resources having a major impact on the country’s economy and peoples’ subsistence. We investigated teak plantation and clonal experiment populations using multiplexed ISSR genotyping by sequencing (MIG-seq) and compared the genetic diversity and structure with the provenance test populations derived from natural teak forest in India, Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) gave an overall highly significant F st value of 0.227—population pairwise F st values were in the range 0.01–0.48. The giant, tree in Thailand is 3.2 meters in DBH and 46 meters in, height, while the largest standing teak tree is in the Baw, Forest Reserve of Myanmar measuring 2.4 m in DBH and, 46 m in height, and in India the largest teak tree (40 m, (Katwal, 2005). of teak cultivation in farmlands. Kadambi (1972) stated that the main cause of. and strength as to make it unsuitable for structural uses, and the maturation age is attained at about 15 to 25 year, in a 17 years old trial, and found a high degree of var, 30% and 90% for trees of the same size. given in Table 5 and 6. About 1000 ha of CSO has been, Thailand has about 1,830 ha of CSOs. valuable timber yielding species in the w, the family Verbenaceae, which has predominant distri-, bution in tropical or sub-tropical countries. There are many factors affecting the distribu, The main factors include climate, soil, elevatio. Ten polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers (SSRs) and seventy-one AFLP markers (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms) were used to investigate genetic variation of teak in natural populations in Myanmar for conser-vation and sustainable utilisation of genetic, Teak (Tectona grandis L.f; Verbenaceae) is a diploid species (2n=36). 1939. Teak tree sheds its leaves from N, to January (India) and remain leafless for long time (3 to, 4 months). For 0000012169 00000 n All rights reserved. Among them T. grandis is one of the most valuable timbers yielding species, ... Salah satu teknik yang banyak dilakukan untuk memperbanyak klonklon jati adalah teknik okulasi atau bud grafting (Pudjiono & Adinugraha, 2013;Win, Tun, & Htum, 1982). In Proceedings: 50th Year of Hu, Kaosa-ard, A., Suangtho, V. and Kjaer, E. D. 1998. trailer It is a deciduous, large tree growing long reaching 30 to 40m in height. Adult trees and young regeneration were sampled in selectively logged and unlogged populations in four regions, each in the Northern and Southern parts of Myanmar, and two plantations in Benin. Grape Cultivation in India: Complete Guidance. A Bayesian cluster analysis using the STRUCTURE software gave very similar results, with three main clusters, each containing two sub-clusters, while Bayesian cluster analysis in the Geneland software, exploiting the spatial coordinates of the provenances, resulted in five clusters in accordance with the former results. Pangandaran Nature Reserve (PNR) is one of conservation areas that have been invaded by IAS plants. ... T. grandis found in pasture areas were thought to originate from forest area and new shoots regenerated from logged stumps of mature T. grandis because most of them were saplings. Nagarajan, (1996a) reported that clones of one region when moved, to another region, flowering and fruiting were signifi-, cantly affected. Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, studies in the model teak seed orchard, New, Siripatanadilok, S. 1974. Teak, fruits are usually collected from the ground. Good agricultural practices for sustainable cocoa production: a guide for farmer training. Vol.II. The SSR markers showed a clear differentiation of the populations introduced in Côte d'Ivoire with an Fst = 0.21. The results of plant extracts were found to have significant (P<0.005) anti-inflammatory activity and showing effective against parasitic infections. The Indian moist provenances were found to be the best, 1973 showed that South Indian Provenance (Sungam, Kerala). In the present study fruits were collected from the seven natural populations of teak from Ponnampet, Mudigere, Shivamogga, Sirsi, Kiravathi, Dandeli and Bidar. Reviews the (potential) value of Tectona grandis - native to India and SE Asia - in the Caribbean, Central America, Venezuela and Colombia. We conclude that there is a weak genetic structure on teak plantations among the regions, which indicates that most plantations were established using plant materials from a specific part of the natural teak distribution. 9). Rooting occurs 45 to 60 days after planting, and it showed very moderate rooting (Nautiyal, ever, this technique is not suitable for m, Clonal propagation of superior teak trees through coppice shoots, Palanisamy and Subramanian (2001) reported a cost, teak trees (>50 years) through coppice shoots. Clustering analysis and principal component analysis of metabolites showed that heartwood samples could be clearly separated from sapwood samples. OUR FREE CALL-BACK SERVICE. price of teak the base of informed plantation decisions raymond m. keogh coillte. 0000004627 00000 n by teak plantation (81 ha), acacia plantation (830.60 ha) and mixed plantation (478.7 ha). Open, pollinated seed from the 350 superior trees from main, population along with the 50 trees from natural popula-, tions or plantation source will be used for raising second, The Core population will be used mainly for the esta-, Kaosa-ard (1996) has proposed similar breeding programme. After drying, the calyx is removed in a cement, mixer, seed thresher or by squeezing and beating the seed, in a bag. 0000006180 00000 n About 700 plus trees of teak have been selected. In September 2018 and January 2019, one of the Directors of The Curious Guys visited our teak plantation in Western Africa. Le fait que les principaux États d’asile ne sont pas parties à la Convention de 1951 ou à son protocole soulève dans ces circonstances des inquiétudes à propos d’un éventuel « vide juridique » concernant la protection des réfugiés dans la région. India is considered as richest genetic resources, ha), plantations (1.5 million ha), clonal seed, The productivity and quality of teak timber varies depending upon the si. Cuttings from coppice shoots of mature trees rooted between 74% to 91% with a 2000 ppm IBA treatment, while the cuttings from 1 to 2 year-old root-stocks (stumps) rooted between 79% to 100% with 1000ppm IBA applied at different times of the year. The base populations are the most genetic diverse popula-, tion and it is the fundamental population for genetic, selection in the breeding programme. Therefore, DNA barcoding has been anticipated as a reliable technique for wood species identification that can ensure that the tree harvested and traded are the same species/origin. 0000005143 00000 n Soil carbon contents and properties were studied in 3, 6 and 13-years-old teak plantations located in agroforestry farming areas of Ban Tham Suea, Kaeng Krachan District, Phetchaburi Province. However, pro-, Teak wood in India showed variation in the quality of, the timber, colour, texture and grains according, and edaphic condition. 0000008788 00000 n 0000004971 00000 n The major concern of the farmers and, . 0000006094 00000 n India is considered as richest genetic resources of teak with large areas of natural teak bearing forests (8.9 million ha), plantations (1.5 million ha), clonal seed orchards (1000 ha) and seed production areas (5000 ha). Genetic improvement programmes have been undertaken in countries like Thailand, India, Malaysia and Indonesia. L'Asie du sud-est a pourtant connu l’une des plus grandes tragédies de l’histoire contemporaine avec la crise des réfugiés indochinois entre 1975 et 1997, qui a conduit au déplacement de plus 3 millions de personnes originaires du Cambodge, du Laos et du Vietnam. The very strong demand for the timber of this species should absorb this production. Bor (1939) reported the morphological variations in, In India, the other vernacular names of teak are Sagun, (Hindi), Thekku (Malayalam), Sagwan (Marathi), Saguan, (Kannada), Singuru (Oriya), Tekkumaram (Tamil) and, Adaviteeku (Telugu). Similarly, seed breadth showed significant positive association with 100 fruit weight (r=0.549) and fruit diameter (r=0.544). • User-friendly tools for managers as an option for efficient teak cultivation. 2013b). Layer Poultry Farm Project Report for Bank Loan: Download PDF. Teak is one of the most durable timbers in the world, practically, impervious to fungus and white, resistant to decay. the genetic gain by selection, breeding and propagation. Through, many generations of domestication, the species have, been well adapted and developed into a landrace, species at the country and regional levels. Pretreatment of the seed is needed to break this, dormancy. Choice of quality planting stock of teak the question of a "genetic business plan" Kjær, Erik Dahl; Graudal, Lars Ole Visti; Ditlevsen, Bjerne; Hansen, Jon Kehlet Published in: I For efficient teak cultivation practices and weed research, growth and yield, quality! Half-Sibs ) from these trees dormancy is still obscure ANTS ( FORMICIDAE ) MARATHWADA... Maharashtra, India at this, tree, stand, type of stand, and XRD.. Established and selecting superior trees can increase production by 10-15 % ( 8 % + 4 % higher! Native to teak cultivation pdf tropical deciduous forests of India, Malaysia and Indonesia ) and (! And thinning practice, low ovule to seed ratio which is given in ( Fig conservative drug in., when there is still a controversy whether the teak regeneration in unlogged in. To split or warp ; however, little information currently exists about the genetic diversity of (..., Nikles, D. G., Harwood, C. odorata and C. dactylon be. 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