why do people convert to islam

Point of Hot Debate :Why Do People Convert To Islam? After knowing that, I accepted Islam. While searching for the reason, I came to know many things about Islam and I accepted Islam. 17 18 19. In a Sharjah Shopping Centre, it was written that “Non Muslims are not allowed to touch the Qur’an”. Muslims have very rich culture wherever you go. They do not expose the part of their body to unknown men even to doctors when they visit for treatment. In the beginning I felt unhygienic to eat in one plate, but later I discovered and informed that eating together builds brotherhood and compassion. People interested in the teachings of Islam sometimes find that the religion and lifestyle resonate in a way that makes them consider converting to the faith in a formal way. Women get pro and support everywhere because off their gender and self-respect. Contrast is the mother of clarity. Answer 1. it depends actually. First I was thinking why so many do’s and don’ts in Islam. I could not answer him and at last I accepted the fact the Gotam Buddha is not God.– HARKA LAMA, SULIAMAN, NEPAL. They answer me on everything about Islam. The Islamic view of being answerable to our faith and deeds after we die, makes us responsible person in this world and be mindful of God.– DEEPASHIKHA, NOOR, INDIA. To get the reward I spent day and night reading the book about the Prophet and surprisingly I was the winner (got 1st prize). Once I came to Dubai, I stopped doing everything related to my religion and started believing in one true God and at last I found this concept in Islam. As a convert, I myself fell into this category. – DE WAELE TOM, DAWOOD, BELGUIM. I serve patients of different nationalities and different religious background s. I was surprised by a Muslim woman who had a car accident and was admitted in our hospital. But why do so many inmates turn to this religion? It listed 5 main reasons given for becoming Muslim: Islam's doctrine is simple and rational, all believers are equal, it is a "practical" religion, and lacks a priesthood. with my friend who wanted to accept Islam. So how different is observing Islam while… I used to get burns while cooking and you can see my hands burned everywhere I had some inner fear regarding this, I thought at changing my flat. I am a woman working in Medical field. – KANNAN KUPPU, SAMEER, INDIA. – BEATE VAN STADEN, ABDUL BASHEER, SOTH AFRICA. I am Filipino. Indigenous women are the largest source of converts to Islam in Europe. New converts are treated like royalty. Muslim women take care of their modesty. I am from Ethiopia working as maid for an Arab family. Prominent individuals like Malcolm X have popularized this model, and many black Americans feel that they have a collective grievance against Christianity for slavery which is best solved by turning to Islam. – RAJESH M NAGU, ABDUL KAREEM, INDIA. In the congregational prayer, there is no king or servant, rich or poor, white or black, first or second class, reserved or unreserved. So I started being with the throughout the campaign and had good time to understated Islam, which later led me to embrace Islam.– TANJA HASLER, HASNA, GERMANY. So I want to die as Muslim and want have a good life after my death. I just want to die as Muslim and want to go to Makkah before I die. What is motivating people to turn to Islam? I had visited Islamic affairs Dept. New research by the Pew Research Center shows Annika is far from alone. – MARYLOU M. DANAO, MARYAM, PHILIPPINE. My husband is Muslim and I was Catholic. In reply, he asked me “Why you are note Muslim?” I could not answer him. – MASIH MAKHAN, ABDULLAH, INDIA. Answer. Be a mother, sister, wife or daughter, they are very respectful. Is it mostly christians that convert to islam because they just can't wrap their head around such a murderous deity with such arcane rules for salvation? I was regularly going to the Church while I was here in Dubai or in my going to Church. If that is true--does it mean you are brainwashed into "needing" a god--and simply find allah a bit more enlightened? A Muslim man said salaam to me while I was working in construction area. I read about Islam and I read the verse which says that “They do blaspheme who say :”(Allah) is Christ the son of Mary.”But said Christ: “O children of Israel! I stayed in combined accommodation with few Filipino new Muslim girls when I came to Dubai and tourist visa. There is no caste system in Islam. I read and clipped … – NERILANE PALIS, ASMA, PHILIPPINE. It was shocking for me to know that Jesus had never stated in the Bible that he is God. – RAJPUT DIPAK, ZAINAB, INDIA. When they cannot pay back the money, they offer to cancel the debt if the villager converts to islam. My parents were very angry at me because of my fasting and they were afraid that I will accept Islam. – DEVIR SAPKOTA, ABDULLAH, NEPAL. So I did according to her advice and stated visiting her often and asking her many things. I embraced Islam 7 weeks ago because I came from Christianity and Islam finishes all the sentences that Christianity fails to, and ansers all questions about life and that there is a reason for everything, including answering questions that Christianity just answers with 'that's the mystery of God' or just follow Jesus (pbuh) and believe, you are a sheep. “Why do you think people convert to Islam?” I asked a young woman who seemed a teensy bit too excited to be on national TV. In the beginning of the prayer, I started crying. Every Muslim must strive to follow the example of the Prophet, who was a perfect being. – ANALIZA AGINA, YASMEEN, PHILIPPINE. – VERONIKA TRYFONOVA, SAFIYA, UKRAINE. AALIA, CHINA. No one asked me to accept Islam, through my observation of Muslims prayer, I accepted Islam. Nearly 20 percent of all adults, regardless of the religion they were raised in, leave their faith. Here is a summary of his findings around major reasons why people convert to Islam. No eating food, nodrinking water, teachers and students all together. Before I concluded the book, I had planned to accept Islam and said Shadada. My Muslim friends used to call me for Eid celebrations at their home. – LIZEL GICA, MARYAM, PHILIPPINE. I went through many books and videos on subject and accepted Islam. By the Grace of almighty Allah very next day I accepted Islam. Why do people convert to islam ? If you rub shoulders with politicians, you can get high level government posts. I even started hearing Adhan in my dreams. While coming from Sharjah to Dubai at evening time, one of the taxi drivers stopped the taxi alongside the road and took his prayer mat, got down near Ansar Mall and started praying on the ground for about ten minutes, keeping all of us passengers waiting. I was interested in Islam but not willing to accept it only because of my parents as I love them, take care of them and I was the only bread-winner for them. They have no responsibilities towards earning as men take charge of it. – JACQUELINE JONES, MARIA, UNITED KINDDOM. 10 to 15% of U.S. prisoners are Muslim, and many of them had to fight to practice their faith behind bars. They care for each other and demonstrate brotherhood in every aspect of life. – DARIUS MANALO, JAMEEL, PHILIPPINE. It was that duration I studied Islam and I accepted it. – NATALIA BRICICARI, NOORA, MOLDOVA. – RONALYN RAGOS, FATIMA, PHILIPPINE. Recently I was watching a TV show that featured a 40-something woman, born into and raised by a Christian family. So I started questioning myself about not eating garlic in my religion and started reading books about various religions until I approached Muslim friends about Islam and I had satisfied answers about lawful and unlawful food in Islam and I became Muslims. – SANTYANARAYANA, ALI, INDIA. I am from Sri Lanka working in a bank as cleaner. – SAMBANDHAMKALIMUTHU, HABEEB, INDIA. First Things has done a good thing in publishing the testimony of Jacob Williams, a British convert to Islam. A link, maybe. I visit them on every weekend and discuss religious matter with them. By hearing my statement, he asked me to sit back and explained me every aspect of Islam and I accepted Islam in same sitting. I also volunteered as much as possible. In our religion it is not allowed to eat Garlic. Converting religions requires essentially overhauling everything a person has ever known, but for some people it is the only way. there are two types of convert Thus I embraced Islam and I make DVDs of these lectures and I distribute them among my non Muslims friends. I've watched convert to Islam videos on YouTube, wondering how these men and women can believe that Muhammad was the greatest man alive and the Seal of the Prophets. So I started to look at other religions. There is diversity in culture of Muslims in different nationalities but you will find uniformity in ethics and faith. 0 0. She told me that Islam prohibits all sinful acts and we have to answer almighty God for everything we do. It’s about money because if you rub shoulders with businessmen, you are likely to get business contracts. After some days I stared doing everything what they used to da as Muslims. Islam is not only a region but a beautiful way of living life but the biggest reasons why people are converting to Islam is : How Muslims treat those around them and the way they look after them builds a superior bond. If you find yourself believing in the teachings of Islam, Muslims welcome you to make a formal declaration of faith. More and more white British people are converting to Islam. WORSHIPING SO MANY GODS IN MY PREVIOUS RELIGION, 20. Do you have some actual data to prove this? One of the preachers of Islam asked me a very serious question when I was discussing with him about Islam. For many in the increasingly multicultural, heterogeneous, disoriented West, Islam provides a specific identity by which they can define themselves and their relationships with other entities in the world. We were not allowed to have any relationship with them. I just want to enter paradise by accepting Islam. MUNA REGMI, ASMA, NEPAL. A common definition of the word "convert" is "to change from one religion or belief to another." I realized that keeping oneself away from prohibitions make the person perfect individually, socially, morally and medically. All Muslims stand and pray shoulder to shoulder in the most disciplined manner and demonstrate unity in purpose and action, piety and humility before God and solidarity among Muslims. They consider other Muslims as their brothers and sometime more than that. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In most of the regions I learnt and found that every god in these religions has another god above him. For some, then, a quest for spirituality and a desire to know the ‘truth’ of existence can drive them towards religion; Islam will often be the obvious choice due to its constant proselytizing, its muscularity and universal presence, and the unwavering faith (and total lack of doubt) of the vast majority of its adherents. it was very spiritual journey. He told me that cleanliness is the topmost importance for all kinds of worship. But while the share of American Muslim adults who are converts to Islam also is about one-quarter (23%), a much smaller share of current Christians (6%) are converts. I was often amazed by the way of worship devotion. b/c they are attracted to the hygiene, diet and overall discipline, while conveniently ignoring the violence and hypocrisy of the munafiqeen (why should the way OTHER people practice islam affect them anyway? SIBERIA. – AMITA JAGASIA, LUBNA FATIMA, INDIA. Islam captured my heart; I found all the answers I was looking for about this life and the hereafter everything is beautiful in Islam. I have been blessed to live and work in the UAE and have discovered the beauty of Islam from people around me. Thus, I embraced Islam. –SRI NIDI, SRI NIDI, INDIA. If people are treating you so well and you're only being fed the "good" aspects of Islam, you are going to be less inclined to think critically and explore the more unsavoury aspects of the religion. They take his name all the time. I am working in a bank, in our Office, frequently, all Muslims say Assalamualikum to each other. We have two kids any my husband never forced me to accept Islam. “I don’t think Islam is growing fast because people are converting. His newly obtained insider status he displays frequently, saying ‘we’ (Muslims) and ‘you’ (non-Muslims) even though he only converted a few months ago. I never believed trinity because it made no sense. –CRNELIO SABADO, ADAM, PHILIPPINE. – RAJASEKHARAN NAIR, ABDULLAH, INDIA. The preacher at Islamic affairs started preaching me as well about Islam for which I denied. It is very helpful to have clarity around why Islam appeals to certain groups of people, especially when it is not just that is the ‘best’ religion to choose from, but because it has additional dimensions which they feel give structure to their lives. Once my class was over on the topic, I asked my teacher to make me Muslim. I kept hat copy of the Quran with me for long time and continued reading it frequently. Once I came to know that my forefathers were Muslims and because of external influence we all became Christians, I started reading about my forefather’s religion, me and my whole family accepted Islam. – DESILDA E. ESTEBAN, ZULIKHA, PHILIPPINE. We were worshipping thousands of gods and we had different gods whom my parents and other family members were worshipping. By going through the holy book, I accepted Islam and I informed the salesman. If anyone from a Muslim family is admitted into the hospital so many members of this family and relatives visit him, greet him, pray for him and read some supplications on him whereas this kind of humbleness and closeness I rarely find from other religious people. My Muslim colleagues used to call me for Iftar while they were all together breaking their fast in our office. But among Muslims, you may hear people who have chosen to adopt Islam refer to themselves as "reverts" instead. While this is authoritarian, many people in the West, especially young people, feel that this gives them a sense of purpose; they are no longer sleeping in until 1 in the morning on weekends, but waking up for fajr at 5 AM. Wearing white clothes shows humanity, brotherhood, equality and shows that they are away from pride and showoff. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world 100,000 people per year in America alone, are converting to Islam. MADELANE LUCIDO TATO, ADILA, PHILIPPINE. The driver’s devotion and sincerity towards his religion made me read further about Islam. – LUCY CHILUMBA, MARYAM, ZAMBIA. a religious muslim can't be a bad man,because religion teaches good,if there are bad muslims that's because they don't follow islam. I was born to an American Father and a Roman mother, when I came to Dubai I found People practicing Islam very seriously which led me to know more about Islam.- PALA HASEMAN, PALA HASEMAN, AMERICA. She had converted (or as the Muslims would say, ‘reverted’) to Islam about 5 years ago. Being kind to their elders made me to be close to Islam.–ASTER GUDETA, AARIFA, ETHIOPIA. He knows absolutely nothing about the theological aspects of Islam and hasn’t read the Qur’an, but takes pride in his new identity as a Muslim and often drops standard Muslim vocab (hamdulillah, mashallah, etc). Not only that, but they have a clear template for how to live their lives; do this, do that, and things will all turn out fine. – ALVA PAGADUAN, ZEENATH, PHILIPPINE. I kept on asking them meaning of expression like”AllahuAkber”, “Subhanallah”, Masha Allah” etc, which are praising Allah. Muslims break their fast during the month of Ramadan in affiliation and sincerity. – CHATHELY DAVIS, MUHAMMAD ZAKRIYA, INDIA. I started questioning him and he gave me proper understanding of prayer and how to pray. My sister became Muslim and got married to a Muslim man and they are having very good family life. I was surprised to know that the Quran has not been changed throughout centuries and will not change until the Last Day, because Allah has promised to keep the Quran intact and thousands of Muslims have learnt the Quran by heart. What is motivating people to turn to Islam? – MARILYN GUNAO, LAILA, PHILIPINE. In fact, peace is the essence of Islam and Muslims in every aspect of life. Alhamdulillah, later, through him I accepted Islam. Allah’s being the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful brought me closer to Islam. By following some of the rules of Islam, I had constancy in my life and corrected my ways and accepted Islam.- YELENA BUKHARDINOVA, MARYAM, UZBEKISTAN. In Dubai, a homeopathic doctor recommended me to eat boiled Garlic as it is benefiting for heart disease. Me and my mother accepted Islam because of their generosity and character. Why do people find islam attractive? The only intention I have in this life is to go to Makkah. I never felt any segregation from them. Another type, the ‘decolonialist’ type of conversion, is observed particularly in the United States, where Islam has been seen as a more authentically ‘African’ religion, ever since the 1930s with the founding of the Nation of Islam movement. Many women from different nationalities were there to provide help and aids. Muslims are very charitable and help poor and needy. In Islam, respect, kindness, and forgiveness are core values that each person should practice. Muslims do not have such system and they perform their prayers altogether. I am Hindu for 43 years and till today I could not understand my religion. – HERNANDEZ, KAREMA, PHILIPPINE. My reason for embracing Islam is by seeing his devotion to almighty God. Among them Muslim women were very serious and active in volunteering. In the beginning we continued fasting because of less work. Today at 12:38 PM #2611. We used to suffer from this caste system in our country. I am Russian Business woman, I had forgotten my bag with full of Money in a taxi and I logged my complaint in Al Rifa Police station, Dubai. Women are more secure here in their dignity than in any other places of the world.– TANJA HASLER, SAFA HASLER, GERMANY. By the help of teachers and students later we accepted Islam. – KUNAL, ABDUL RAUF, INDIA. Islam grants him a consistent in-group with which he can find solidarity. – SZIDONIA BALINI, MARYAM FATIMA, ROMANIA. – DALIA SABIANO, SARA, PHILIPPINE. This book gives us scientific and logical way of understating the religion of Islam with brief information about all important aspects of Islam. – SEBAASTIAN UR, AYYAN, PHILIPPINE. – SANDESH SHIRKE, ABDUL LATEEF, INDIA. There must be some reasons why people do convert to the religion of Islam. Giving money, giving food, giving clothes and visiting poor relatives and making them smile; Eid is all about celebration but for a good cause. He was doing so every night. There was a big custody battle for his body cos the wife wanted to bury him in the hindu way. I found all these qualities in Islam and after accepting Islam I had a new life. This way of worship was there regularly every night. The West is increasingly irreligious, but the human need for spirituality remains a motivating factor in many of our lives. – ANITA SUDAM, MARYAM, INDIA. That revelation never came to me. All Muslims gather together for Friday prayer. Once along with Sheikh Muhammad Foundation for Cultural Understanding I has visited Jumaira Masjid and got all the details of Masjid. Excerpted from Iqra Sense. So I do not want to suffer in the hereafter. Thus I embraced Islam. In each region and place we have different gods, where as for Muslims, Allah is their God wherever they are. Further, He promised me to provide one Quran with English translation and within a week he provided me the Quran in English. I was surprised once I came to know that Muslims believe in all the Messengers and Prophets of God mentioned in the Holy Bible like Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, John and Jesus etc, and I had been informed that all the messengers and prophets were following one religion and brought one message. – MEEME SHIMON, MUSTAFA, UGANDA. – JOSEPH VIRTUCIO, YUSUF, PHILIPPINE. – FRECILYN TENORIO, FATIMAH, PHILIPPINE. I was staying in Sharjah, I and my family use to hear Adhan every day. Whereas we do not have much rules and regulations upon us and we spend our life according to our own wishes and desires. Whenever we enter they ask us to join. There are also clear tiers of accomplishment and progression that allows someone to feel successful; memorizing surahs, for example, or improving one’s tajweed gives a sense of achievement that is otherwise lacking for many people, especially those in dead-end jobs or careers. Free E-book: Clear Your Doubts About Islam. I have seen my Madam and her Husband always there to care for their elders, even I saw them getting up at night to provide any assistance they needed. The role of Ikhlas (sincerity) in spreading Islam During the month of Ramadan everyone is fasting. MUSLIMS FOLLOW MUHAMMAD ﷺ IN THEIR DAILY LIVES, 22. They actually receive funds from the government to do so. The level of piety displayed by self-declared Christians, many of whom do not go to church and the vast majority of whom do not do anything ‘Christian’ above that, might also seem ‘shallow’ in comparison to Muslims, who (ostentatiously) display strong degrees of religious attachment and faith. I’d be very interested to hear any comments from those of you who had the patience to read through this. But slowly, we could not spend any day without fasting. one is the person doesn’t know anything about islam and converts because of looking rosy picture of Islam but once he or she discovers they most likely leave and second type of convert is the person who knows the real message of Islam and this type of convert are most likely to become radicals. Here is a summary of his findings around major reasons why people convert to Islam. It was during one of the months of Ramadan, I decided to accept Islam. Muslim cultural values do not go against their religious values. – LEVI GUANZON, AYESHA, PHILIPPINE. Islam isn't just the fastest-growing religion in the world, it's also the fastest-growing faith in U.S. prisons. I understood Islam through an Egyptian RTA bus driver. – NOVELYN CADERAO, AYESHA, PHILIPPINE. It looked very nice and more comfortable so I started wearing it by taking one from one of new Muslim Filipino girl. – ZACARIAS NATIVIDAD, NAVEED, PHILIPPINE. I took care of her for a long duration and through her I accepted Islam. Keeping oneself clean is part of the faith. In my country it’s about money and power. While discussing about the matter of salvation, my friends told me ’that Paradise is only for Muslims, ‘but he gave me very rational explanation saying that those who believe in One God and follow his commands will be called Muslim and they entitled to enter Paradise. As I used to call my Muslim friends for birthday parties and Dewali celebrations. Once I came to know what Islam has prohibited eating pork, I stated reading about Islam which led me to accept it. Upper cast people were abusing us all the times. Many people around the globe spend countless hours reading and studying the principles of Islam; they pour over translations of the meanings of the Quran and are held entranced by the life and times of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him. 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