group communication theory

Make sure the performing stage is one that is productive and healthy for its members. Discuss how groups tend to limit their own size and create group norms. 6. Irvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge. Group communication theories tend to cluster around the following five paradigms: No single theoretical paradigm is accepted by everyone who studies group communication. To be a member of a discipline is to be a disciple, and adhere to a common framework to for viewing the world. A manager who understands and anticipates this normal challenge in the group’s life cycle can help the group become more productive. Has this book helped you? “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.”, Arthur Conan Doyle (via Sherlock Holmes in “A Scandal in Bohemia,” 1891). What stages should most groups expect to pass through as they form and adopt goals? Berger, C. (1986). Consider passing it on: Creative Commons supports free culture from music to education. The Handbook of Group Communication Theory and Research establishes a central resource for the field, documenting … The final function is prediction, whereby theories help us gain confidence in describing what is likely to take place in the future. Theory helps us to bear our ignorance of facts. Who speaks first? Groups that meet some, but not all, of individuals’ needs. When you line up your next job and submit your resignation, you make it official. “[C]reating a new theory is not like destroying an old barn and erecting a skyscraper in its place. Some explorations in initial interactions and beyond: toward a developmental theory of interpersonal communication. Interpretation of specific past phenomena that accounts for why they would be expected to happen as they did. Thus, the adage that “it is impossible to do just one thing” is taken to be true by systems theorists. Characteristics of Small Groups Within a family, for example, the ties that bind you together may be common experiences, collaborative efforts, and even pain and suffering. In one context, an individual may have a high need for control, while in others he or she may not perceive the same level of motivation or compulsion to meet that need. Struggles are a part of relationships, both in families and business, and form a common history of shared challenged overcome through effort and hard work. A model characterizing human needs from the most basic (physical) to the most complex (aesthetic appreciation). At work, you may have trained for your profession, but the academic knowledge only serves as your foundation, much as your socialization at home served to guide you at school. Their celebrations are yours, even if you are not the focus of them. They aren’t, in other words, innate. Which paradigm, if any, do you feel it would be inappropriate to apply? The group came together and accomplished its goals with amazing results. A socialAccording to William Schutz, an individual who seeks a sense of belonging in a group by striking a balance between involvement and withdrawal. Other more provisional theories, such as string theory in physics or self-efficacy theory in psychology, require continual exploration and testing in order to be supported and retained. Groups may have heroes and enemies, sages alongside new members. The theory of gravity tells us that all objects, in all situations and at all times, exert an attractive force upon each other. There may be more than meets the eye to Kurt Lewin’s statement at the beginning of this section concerning theory and practice. 5. A. We communicate with each other to meet our needs, regardless of how we define those needs. You may want to go on line and look at a journal devoted to group communication topics, such as “Small Group Research.” If you do, you’ll see that the titles of its articles refer often to existing theories and that the articles themselves describe experiments with groups which have tested and elaborated upon those theories. Journal of Social Issues, 37, 41–49.,McLean, S. (2005). Suppose you are about to graduate from school, and you are in the midst of an employment search. In C. Spitzack & K. Carter (Eds.). Describe different types of group members and group member roles. Members engage in more direct communication and get to know each other. They can also be defined, from a developmental viewpoint, by the relationships within them. Beyond self-actualization, Maslow recognized our innate need to know (level six) that drives us to grow and learn, explore our environment, or engage in new experiences. Sometimes the conceptions are clearly present in our minds as we act; other times they lie beneath our awareness. These roles, proposed by Moreland and Levine,Moreland, R., & Levine, J. means that those who hold a theory should be able to describe evidence which would cause them to abandon it. Status, rank and roles in the group are established. Family members may understand you in ways that your co-workers cannot, and vice versa. A set of theories which focuses on how symbols affect people. Individual who is a known quantity, is familiar with the group’s norms, and feels free to express opinions. Were you ever a marginal group member or a full member? What do we need from our environment? In an organization, it may be defined as the mode by which the employees and employers, team members communicate with each other. But that need may vary according to the context, environment, and sense of security. How does the size of a group affect its ability to pursue its goals? Theories of small group communication First of all lets begin by explaining what is a small group communication, and what the theory has to say to us. Adjust and … If we’re familiar with a theory which describes and identifies “high” versus “low-context” cultures, we can make better sense of interactions like this with people from cultures other than our own. Which paradigm, if any, do you feel it would be inappropriate to apply? Table 2.2 Tuckman’s Linear Model of Group DevelopmentTuckman, B. Ultimately, the purpose of a work group is performance, and the preceding stages lead us to the performing stageTime when the group accomplishes its mandate, fulfills its purpose, and reaches its goals., in which the group accomplishes its mandate, fulfills its purpose, and reaches its goals. Having theories about our natural world and our place in it gives us as human beings a comfortable, reliable foundation upon which to strengthen and enlarge our knowledge. You lived to see some of your friends pass before you, and the moment will arrive when you too must confront death. (1970). The Handbook of Group Communication Theory and Research establishes a central resource for the field, documenting and synthesizing the work done in group communication's 50-year history. (2000). HooverHoover, K. R. (1984). The Interpersonal Underworld. Now, as typically happens eventually with all groups, the time has come to move on to new assignments. Decision Emergence Theory (DET) Research indicates that groups tend to go through a variety of phases in accomplishing a group task. At what point did you become an ex-member? The Basics Of Speech Communication. Groups help us interacting with each other and making our self-identities. Ask important questions. According to William Schutz, an individual who acts autonomously to plan and organize his or her affairs as part of a group. Explain your answer and present it to the class. You may work in the mailroom, and the mailroom staff is a group in itself, both distinct from and interconnected with the larger organization. Response uncertain outcome values in predicted relationships: uncertainty reduction theory then and now. Organizational. There is more than one way to get the job done. You may experience a sense of relief upon making this decision, given that you haven’t felt like you belonged to the group for awhile. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 15, 153. At this stage, you are considered a potential memberIndividual who is qualified to join a group but has not yet joined.. You may have an electrical, chemical, or mechanical engineering degree soon, but you are not a member of an engineering team. Should we simply analyze and describe the ways in which groups communicate, or should we challenge those ways and propose others? First, these theories can help us interpret and understand what happens when we communicate in groups. The Elements of Social Scientific Thinking (3rd ed.). Response uncertain outcome values in predicted relationships: Uncertainty reduction theory then and now. PLEASE NOTE: This book is currently in draft form; material is not final. Over time, you may have learned your job tasks and the strategies for succeeding in your class, your club, or your job. A set of theories which seeks to identify how oppression is exerted through communication and then to alter that process for the good of those oppressed. The Evolution of Physics. Interaction prior to the first meeting can help reduce uncertainty. Members come together, learn about each other, and determine the purpose of the group. Identify the typical stages in the life cycle of a group. (1982). A wise manager anticipates this stage and facilitates the separation with skill and ease. Tensions are reduced when the normative expectations are known, and the degree to which a manager can describe these at the outset can reduce the amount of time the group remains in uncertainty. Analysis of these smaller, or microgroups, is increasingly a point of study as the internet allows individuals to join people of similar mind or habit to share across time and distance. Groups have existed throughout human history, and continue to follow familiar patterns across emerging venues as we adapt to technology, computer-mediated interaction, suburban sprawl, and modern life. The performing stage is where the productivity occurs, and it is necessary to make sure the group has what it needs to perform. You are a full member of the group. The loss of a “spoon”—or of one’s cubicle—may now come in the form of a pink slip of paper instead of no food around the fire, but it is no less devastating. In fact, relationships are often noted as one of the most important aspects of a person’s life, and they exist in many forms. To download a .zip file containing this book to use offline, simply click here. The human rules paradigm. List the family and social groups you belong to and interact with on a regular basis—for example, within a 24-hour period or within a typical week. The functional group communication theory is a unified and coherent set of propositions, assumptions, and claims that attempt to explain how and why communication is related to the quality of the decisions groups make. More formally, a logician would say that an argument comprises a premise and a conclusion. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Here are the drawings and text from its first few pages: If you lived all by yourself out on a desert island, others would not care whether you had good manners or not. Your first day on the job is positive, and they’ve assigned you a mentor. Functional groups like this may be immediately familiar to you. Have your roles, and those of others, changed over time? Read about groups and teams on the business website 1000 Ventures. Loss of performance is inefficiency, and that carries a cost. (2000). How does the size of a group affect its ability to pursue its goals? In Table 2.1 "Possible Interaction in Groups", you can quickly see how the number of possible interactions grows according to how many people are in the group. A description of phenomena which specifies uniform cause-and-effect relationships which hold true under limited, defined circumstances. Directive leaders help provide psychological structure for their group members by … The second function is “postdictionInterpretation of specific past phenomena that accounts for why they would be expected to happen as they did..” Theories can help us interpret specific past incidents and events and account for why they would be expected to happen as they did. To develop group communication theories, people generally follow a three-step process that parallels what Western science calls “the scientific method.” Littlejohn, S. W., & Foss, K. A. If that same group member repeatedly engages in blocking behavior, then the behavior becomes a problem. We all need to be recognized and feel like we belong, but some people need more interaction with groups than others. The Basics of Interpersonal Communication. Examples include the heliocentric theory and germ theory. His main aim was to understand how a group of … One popular approach is B, Aubrey Fisher's Decision Emergence Theory. Others will be reassigned to tasks that require their talents and skills, and you may or may not collaborate with them in the future. “In making theories, always keep a window open so that you can throw one out if necessary.”Einstein, A., & Infeld, L. (1938). You show up at the job fair in professional attire and completely prepared. Mergers, forced sales, downsizing, and entering new markets all call upon individuals within a business or organization to become members of groups. After several months of trying to cope with these adjustments, you decide that you never really investigated the other two companies; that your job search process was incomplete. Groups and teams are an important part of business communication. pull back, contribute less, and start to see themselves as separate from the group. Through conversations and a shared sense that you and your co-workers belong together, you meet many of your basic human needs, such as the need to feel included, the need for affection, and the need for control.Schutz, W. (1966). OversocialsAccording to William Schutz, an individual who craves attention and is intensely motivated to seek belonging as part of a group., by contrast, crave attention and are highly motivated to seek belonging. T1 - The Handbook of Group Communication Theory and Research. Concomitant with the rise of the corporation and the managerial way of doing business, it has become the norm for management theorists to define how, what and why an organization should be the way it is. Think of another significant experience you’ve had recently as part of a group. DemocratsAccording to William Schutz, an individual who gathers and shares information in a balanced fashion to acquire a sense of control as part of a group., finally, balance individual and group and are apt to gather and share information on the road to group progress. Over time and projects, you gradually increase your responsibilities. If food scarcity was an issue, who got more and who got less? Group communication theories tend to cluster around the following five paradigms: No single theoretical paradigm is accepted by everyone who studies group communication. It shows how communication can act as a bridge to decrease groupthink behavior. Ask important questions. Individual who is still learning the group’s norms and rules. Maslow’s theory is individualistic, focusing primarily on how one person at a time may meet his or her basic needs. Members need to feel a sense of belonging, and praise (or the lack thereof) can be a sword with two edges. We’ve established that theories rank among the most important. According to William Schutz, an individual who gathers and shares information in a balanced fashion to acquire a sense of control as part of a group. We are not simply a list of job functions, and in the dynamic marketplace of today’s business environment you will often find that people have talents and skills well beyond their “official” role or task. For example, Aristotle’s three elements of persuasion—ethos (credibility), logos (logic), and pathos (appeal to emotion)—are still used today to describe and categorize people’s statements. In the adjourning stageTime when group members leave the group., group members leave the group. List the professional (i.e., work-related) groups you interact with in order of frequency. States that we choose to know more about others with whom we have interactions in order to reduce or resolve the anxiety associated with the unknown. More specifically, they can fulfill three major functions. If you did not, you would probably quarrel and fight all the time, or—–. Groups overlap, and may share common goals, but may also engage in conflict. This model, shown in Table 2.2 "Tuckman’s Linear Model of Group Development", specifies the usual order of the phases of group development, and allows us to predict several stages we can anticipate as we join a new group. How do they compare with the secondary groups in your life? Discuss your opinion with a classmate. Outcome assessments may have been built into the system from the beginning, and would serve as a benchmark for success. Adjournment can come suddenly and unexpectedly, or gradually and piece by piece. Co-workers who have been working in the department for several years may be unwilling to adapt and change, and tension may result. Communication Models and Theories Simplest model of communication reflects the work of Shannon and Weaver. A. Human beings tend to form groups naturally, and if basic needs are met, love and belonging occur in level three. Come together and grow apart in predictable patterns balance group communication theory meeting needs through solitary action and group imposed that! Be credited here patterns to meet our interpersonal needs make groups a part of a group you belong this! Have heroes and enemies, sages alongside new members reflective thinking and standard.. The group., group members look to full members for their interpersonal needs that to... We have illustrated how the group and is the ability to make sure the performing stage is also the. 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