xmonad — Dynamically tiling X11 window manager that is written and configured in Haskell. There's a rock and a hard place here. I'm testing out Fluxbox (just want a simple window manager that doesn't get in the way) and set up the following key bindings for pseudo tiling. One step below the desktop environments I have looked at so far in this series are window managers such as Openbox, Enlightenment, i3, and Fluxbox. openbox menu free download. Extended Window Manager Hints, a.k.a. Intuitive model which separates "screens" and "workspaces" XMonad separates screens and workspaces. After couple of weeks, I was using Fluxbox with PyPanel and/or Tint2. XMonad is configured in Haskell. Uses a model “focus-follows-mouse” and lacks any decoration of the windows with the exception of the edges. You can hide the panel in fluxbox to use another one but It is, IMO a pain to get programs and system tray apps to use the other panel. 2.) # Tiling Control Mod1 KP_1 :MacroCmd {ResizeTo 50% 50%} {MoveTo 00 00 BottomLeft} Control Mod1 KP_2 :MacroCmd {ResizeTo 100% 50%} {MoveTo 00 00 Bottom} Control Mod1 KP_3 :MacroCmd … Fluxbox is a stacking window manager for the X Window System, which started as a fork of Blackbox [2] 0.61.1 in 2001, [4] with the same aim to be lightweight. Flexbox was added to the CSS standards a few years ago to manage space distribution and element alignment. Configuring Fluxbox to one's liking is easily done by simply editing text files. Fluxbox 1.3 Xsession running on Debian Gnu/Linux 7. It has dynamic desktop menus, which you probably won't use at first until you get used to Openbox. To show icons next to menu entries, it will be necessary to ensure they are enabled in the