are scented pine cones toxic to cats

Many of the research sites discuss hydrosols as a safe alternative, however some animal advocates insist that hydrosols have not been tested, and therefore unknown risks may exist. © 2020 Preventive Vet. New litter products come on the market all the time – it’s hard to keep up to date! It has to do with the phenols in the essential oils and what the carrier ingredients may be. Pine trees were classified as poisonous to dogs and cats. Cat Health, According to the Pet Poison Hotline, cinnamon ingested in small amounts does not cause harm to most pets, but may possibly irritate their skin if exposed in large amounts. The needles of the house pine can cause mild skin irritation upon contact, and if eaten or vomited up, can damage internal tissues, causing choking hazards. Not only is it eucalyptus, it’s clumping!! Should I get her checked (blood/ urine tests)? Cats that find candles interesting can hurt themselves or cause a fire. The number of reports of exposure in cats was higher than dogs, but the frequency of reported adverse effects was similar between the 2 species. Note that this only refers to the Febreze fabric fresheners, not the aerosol air fresheners, which present the same problems to cats as many other brands of air freshener. Cats can be extremely sensitive to smoke, which is a major factor in worsening, and perhaps even causing, cat asthma and other respiratory conditions. 4. (This step will get rid of any insects or pests.) If you can't do without a regular "flame candle," opt for the "cleaner burning" candles that are made from soy, beeswax, or vegetable wax. I am amazed that there are no warnings. P.O. And most essential oils, EVEN when they say they are 100% pure, are NOT pure nor good quality. Does this mean we need to stop using essential oils if we have cats? Symptoms of a toxic buildup include being despondent, clumsy, uncoordinated, partially paralyzed, vomiting, drooling or in a daze. The adverse reactions stem from the needles and sap, which are often attached to the pinecones that attract our pets. Call your vet. The first sign of toxicity is facial tics and abnormal whisker and ear movements. Allow cones to cool. However, this can be quite dangerous. A pet would need to ingest a very large amount of nutmeg, and this is very unlikely to occur if a dog or cat ingests food with nutmeg in it. Just wondering if any information is available on this product from Wondercide or cedar oil for cats in general. As for which scents your pets are more likely to be OK with ... beyond the fact that citrus scents tend to not be crowd favorites with felines, there really isn't a general rule here. Dog Health, So it's a bit of trail-and-error, I'm afraid. Eating tinsel or chewing cords can easily kill a cat. savory, tarragon, anise seed, fennel, nutmeg, melaleuca (Tea Tree oil), birch. The sharp points may perforate your puppy's intestines. If I use any of the oils in the charts above on myself or around the house, I keep the cats away for at least one hour. I never noticed her having a problem with it, although I have read a few posts of some cats that the owner felt that they had. Just because they are natural, doesn’t mean essential oils are totally safe for cats. I always keep a window open or put the cat in a different part of the house. I know - now some wise-ass will respond that cow turds have a natural grassy smell., How to Get the Most from Your Animal Communications, Phone calls, emails, and scheduling requests, Schedule your animal communication consultation,,, When in doubt I use hydrosols instead of essential oils on animals. Many people will burn scented candles to help "set the mood," especially around the holidays. A MATTER OF FORM. Hydrosols are water-based, gentler and much easier to tolerate. Phenols in particular are poisonous to the cats’ neurological system. Then there was this exchange regarding a particular type of bio-degradable pine pellet litter: As a researcher I can tell you that pine pellets are indeed toxic to cats. You can find either a large purifier, or add a few desktop purifiers throughout your home. Agitation and hypersalivation were common in cats, whereas lethargy and vomiting were common in dogs.” Genovese, McLean, & Khan 15 Essential Oils that are Toxic to Dogs I had to put some of the bags outside and just the litter from the box is still ma king me a little itchy. Pine Cones. Non-toxic, biodegradable, derived from a renewable resource; Better for the environment; Use no nasty chemicals to release fragrance; Our Recommendation. Wintergreen and birch oils contain methyl salicylate the same chemical compound in aspirin. David, I was concerned about your comment and so I called [the manufacturer of a particular product], and the woman I spoke to reassured me that they have eliminated phenols from the pellets. As for cats, if phenols are dangerous for them, avoid the following EO: oregano, helichrysum, cinnamon (cassia), thyme, clove, tulsi (holy basil), mountain. Your cat’s liver and kidneys are already working hard to detox everyday toxins in carpeting, pressed particle board in furniture, vaccines, flea products, the air, etc. Not to be gross, but it was alittle softer than normal, but then again the dog ate CINNAMON SCENTED PINE CONES!!!! For more detailed information on the safe use of essential oils on or around pets, you may want to refer to Dr. Melissa Shelton's website and Animal Desk Reference book. However, the minute they were loaded into my car I started to have a terrible scratchy throat/allergic reaction. Avoid those made from (or with) paraffin, as that can release more potential impurities and irritants that can bother both your and your pet's respiratory system. While you are reading labels, review your household products as well. One relevant study looked at litter use for 35 neutered cats over a four-day period. A thorough physical exam, patient history, and an established veterinary-patient-client relationship is required to provide specific medical advice. Liquid potpourri is far more dangerous to cats. Breathing problems, Many household cleaners and even pet products have these latter substances in them to make them smell nice to the owners. Good luck! Remove the pine cones after 24 hours. Bronchitis. Perfect for indoor or outdoor pine cone decor. A third group to avoid are the monoterpene hydrocarbons pinene and limonene most commonly found in the citrus and pine oils: lemon, orange, tangerine, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, pine, spruce, and any fir oil. not dangerous at all! Make homemade cleaning products since they are another huge source of synthetic scents. We were using Odour Buster and now we are using one by pro nature that has eucalyptus oil in it. Rather than assume a certain protocol or suggested oil is good for an animal I always test the essential oil first before using it. My cat has been eating his litter for some weird reason. Read more info and tips on liquid potpourri and pets. I used Feline Pine pellets for my cat’s litter for most of her life, and she lived to be almost 23. Though it's a popular way to add a pleasant scent and feeling of zen to many homes, incense combines many of the worst qualities when it comes to harm for cats. 3. Luckily I figured out in time what was causing the poisoning. Dog, However, they do recommend following label instructions for use, never spraying directly on pets, and note that there could be some mild skin irritation if your pets come into contact with Febreze while it's still wet, as well as minor stomach upset if it's ingested. And, as  always, check with your veterinarian, too. Collect samples. The scented cones are ready to decorate your house or to give as gifts. do you know if this is true? Making matters worse, the aromatic plant materials and essential oils used to create the scent in incense can also lead to all the other problems mentioned above. Your holistic pet supply store should be able to give you recommendations about safe cat litter products. Studies have even shown that the best houseplants that remove pollution help strip indoor air of some toxic compounds. When I got to the real information, however, I found a number of resources which confirm that in fact pine oil and many derivatives of pine and the scent of pine are toxic to cats. Some people want to use essential oils on or around cats. All rights reserved. It is best to avoid any oil containing phenols: oregano, thyme, cinnamon (cassia), clove, savory, birch, and melaleuca (Tea Tree oil) or ketones: sage. Cats have very sensitive noses when it comes to smelling scented things … However, over time, studies have shown compelling evidence that many essential oils are toxic to cats whether inhaled, taken orally, or applied to their skin. Since there is no scientific evidence that essential oils and hydrosols are totally safe for cats, the safest rule is not to use them on or around cats until they are proven safe. There are no known case histories of hydrosols or monoterpene alcohols causing toxicity in cats. at high temperatures or high pressure) that can produce low quality EO; or much worse (and something that is more prevalent): synthetic EO or adulterated EO. If I choose to use any of the oils in the charts above on cats, I would always use a highly diluted formula (at least 10:1 with carrier oil or less). Some of these are are cited in “Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals” by Kristen Leigh Bell, who also says to avoid essential oils high in Monoterpene Hydrocarbons, such as citrus ones (Lemon, Lime, Orange, Bergamot, Tangerine, Mandarin, Grapefruit) and evergreens such as Pine, Spruce, Fir . Lesson learn about essential oils. Cinnamon isn’t toxic to cats, but other ingredients in cereal (like artificial sweeteners etc…) may be; keep an eye on Polly and check the ingredients of the cereal to see if any come up toxic to cats on a Google search. Dogs with sensitive airways — like those with collapsing trachea, “kennel cough,” allergic bronchitis, and others — can experience the same problems. We can recommend an alternative litter product …”. Pine sap, preservatives, and fire retardant that can be put into the water at the base of the tree are harmful to cats, Dr. Arndt said. Several veterinary blogs and Q&A forums answer the question of pine scented litter, and the common answer is “we DO NOT recommend using any form of pine or pine scent near your cats at all. I shared all this with Alyson and her reaction was one of a responsible pet guardian: “If there is even a small question about toxicity, I’m not buying it!”  That put me to researching…, Interestingly, when I did a basic Internet search using keywords “pine” and “feline” the first several results were a myriad of pine-scented cat litter products. At the end of the study, the total amount of urine and feces were measured to determine whether cats preferred scented or unscented cat litter. If you do choose to use essential oils, they should be heavily diluted to reduce the impact on your cat. Thank you to all people researching and posting about the topic! Here are a couple of good recipes for fall (or any time of the year, if you ask me!) If that's too subtle, I'm of course talking about the sometimes incomprehensible poop and pee smells festering in your cat's litter boxes. There is no debate that in their original form phenols are toxic to cats. After all, the sense of smell is the oldest, most primitive of all the senses and certain scents and smells can trigger strong memories or alter mood and behavior. Several other resources further discuss pine oil and pine scent in an equally cautionary way. it says: Cat’s livers do not have the necessary enzymes to break down and excrete certain chemical compounds in essential oils. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM. Buy laundry detergent that is scented with pure essential oils or that is fragrance-free. The results? They all died from trouble breathing..there was a lot of suffering before they expired. Before you go looking for something to light or spray to cover up the smell, take a few simple "housekeeping" steps to eradicate and prevent those nasty smells in the first place. As a cat lover and caretaker, it’s important to avoid toxic household products and choose environmentally safe and natural products instead. Please share your experiences and stories, your opinions and feedback about this blog, or what you've learned that you'd like to share with others. Essential oils in potpourri pose the same risks to cats mentioned above. There is a train of thought that pure essential oils are safe for cats, but caution should be used if the oils have been distilled. There are significant variations in … Very sad, these companies should not be able to sell products that kill animals. However, the pine oils are destroyed in the manufacturing process, leaving the pellets safe. Schedule your animal communication consultation now for a deeper understanding of behaviors, symptoms, and quality of life. Fill a spray bottle with water. While dried potpourri scented with essential oils is not as big of a concern, some pets may be attracted to chewing on or eating attractive-smelling pine cones, dried flowers or other plant material. 1. Dr. I recently found this article that helped explain the reasoning behind this. 303.670.0292 Though these devices won't add a smell to your home, they can help clear the air of any lingering odors. My cat almost died of poisoning when I diffused Lavender oil in the room. The ASPCA classifies pine trees as toxic to dogs and cats, leading to symptoms such as vomiting and depression. I think she'll be ok. The scent of dry potpourri, though not immediately harmful to cats, can be quite irritating to their sensitive noses. Please do not ask emergency or other specific medical questions about your pets in the blog comments. There are so many! Too bad, I wouldve saved alot of money. So I highly recommend checking out these "7 Ways to Reduce Litter Box Smell (and Messes).". Individual pets may also have allergic reactions to pine. You can also make your own homemade laundry soap. In The cat, a healthy 11-pound, 3-year-old neutered male, was rushed to the veterinarian, a victim of his own curiosity. I cannot find any non clumping litter at any pet food stores! Articulate Animals, LLC i had read that if the pine used for pellets was kiln dried it’s safe for cats as the high heat eliminates the oil. The scented litter was used 134 times, while the unscented cat litter was used 143 times. Any information on natural flea treatments for cats would help also. Pine Cone Garland Make a lush pine cone garland for less than $1.30 a foot! As lovers of cats and having a weakness for scented candles, we recommend a product called “Paw Melts” that are fragrant melts made from a blend of 100% certified organic waxes. The other train of thought is to stay away from using essential oils around your cats at all, as it generally is not obvious if the product is distilled or 100% pure. If you plan to use any of the items listed below, please be aware of the potential problems of doing so, Liquid potpourri is far more dangerous to cats, pose a burn risk for your inquisitive pets, More About Pets and Scented Products in the Home, Please do not ask emergency or other specific medical questions about your pets, 7 Ways to Reduce Litter Box Smell (and Messes). The adverse reactions stem from the needles and sap, which are often attached to the pinecones that attract our pets. My cats won't stand on or move the pine cones because the cones are "stickery" to their paws. Scented Pine Cones and other Natural Room Fresheners Pinecones purchased at big box stores are scented with artificial and synthetic fragrances, containing phthalates and hundreds of other chemicals. Abby:If you can smell the pine then the phenols are still present. Scents That Could Be Harmful To Your Pets, As a general rule, cats are often more sensitive to the potentially-toxic and other dangerous effects of essential oils and other scents than dogs are, but it very much depends on the scent, the delivery method, and the pet. Seal the pine cones in the bag for 2 to 7 days, after which the cones … It wasn’t until I spoke w/ the breeder of the finches and told him that I was using Natural Pine Pellets…advertised as Safe For All Animals…that he told me they are toxic for small birds. Essential oils and what the carrier ingredients may be have very sensitive noses ( blood/ urine tests?! Plant materials may themselves be toxic to cats oil or Christmas essential oil Vet. ingredients: oil! I never keep cats in an enclosed area when diffusing oils in the charts below or blends containing these around... 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