academic business essay example

I can t draw on this module write three papers for assessment in higher education, and public and to help them identify the main ideas of johnson 1977, mcdonald 1986, and wright 1995, it can change the words. However, the success of business writing depends on the relevance of the sources used. One Australian university professor became painfully aware of this when his private email to another colleague was leaked, leading to his suspension (McNeilage, 2014). Or better differentiate and position of an electron is, tarzan grabs a vine hanging vertically from a photograph. If employers wish to monitor email it rests with them to overcome the disadvantages posed by ineffective, unethical and unreasonable methods of email monitoring. Covert monitoring followed by dismissal cannot be considered a reasonable method of controlling employee email use. Managing staff in a complex, global and digital workplace is challenging. Terms & Conditions. Lecturer's comment:as cited in. Show/hide lecturer's comment 7 While writing an expository essay, you need to examine your chosen subject thoroughly. .hide-if-no-js { Our aim is to help you with your essays and our huge library of research material is available for you to use for your assignments. Supporting evidence (whether factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal). ... Homepage > Writing Samples > Academic Writing Samples > Essay Samples ... it is important to look through samples of essays to get a clear picture of how to write one on your own. First of all, we will readily provide you with free samples to learn from. Managers should take a proactive role in controlling potential email misuse by explaining the purpose of email monitoring and how it can protect all stakeholders in the organisation, including employees However, for the purposes of this assessment task, you have made a bright start to academic writing. There are significant ethical and human rights-related issues that remain unexplored in your argument. Here are some of the steps that you can follow as a guide to help you write academic essays better and more proficiently. Wealth Publishing, 2014. In one case brought before the Fair Work Commission (FWC) a decision of unreasonable monitoring was made because employees were not aware they were being monitored. 4. The authors point out that monitoring may also expose employers to legal challenges as covert surveillance is strictly regulated in Australia (2011, p. 527)Lecturer's comment:You’ve included the page number, thereby indicating that you are quoting directly. Managers in organisations need to take a considered approach to drafting and implementing IT policies. Watching my brother transform from a man who had lost his ability to walk to a man who can play basketball with my father kindled my fascination of the physical therapy world. Legal decisions related to alleged email misconduct appear to be made largely on a case by case basis that depend on the context and rest largely on each company’s IT policy. Email surveillance was covert and the employer’s reactive rather than proactive response was to dismiss the three employees, which was not only ineffective but deemed to be unlawful. Htm accessed july. The effect of this is that your reader can easily follow the logic of your essay's argument and structure. The Commission held that the employers at Channel 7 were entitled to restrict email communication to the performance of company duties while the right for the teacher to campaign for union election fell within the domain of political and social debate which was enshrined in the Department’s IT policy. “What Is Groupon Business Model?” VCCircle, 3 June 2011, For example, Coca Cola employees were discovered attempting to ‘sell trade secrets to Pepsi’ (Kiser et al., 2010, p.32), to protect the company’s public image and to ensure lawful use of email by employees.Lecturer's comment:As a kind of mini literature review, these paragraphs summarise the literature effectively, yet maintain your voice and that element of authorial control I am looking for from my students. The Groupon Business Model. content: attr(data-content); The essay writing process consists of three stages: preparation, writing and revision. Don’t worry, since we are here to help you with this unpleasant nuisance. A lot of students tend to think that an academic essay, just like any other college essay examples, is something that is too technical or defined.However, you can always write one depending on how you perceive a specific topic of discussion or how you interpret an instance or any other subjects. Example #1 2. Show/hide lecturer's comment 8 Is an essential assignment of most business-related advanced courses. In the case involving the post office employees, no planning was undertaken by the employer to ensure employees were fully aware of policy, aware of surveillance tools and aware of the consequences of breaches to IT policy. Your email address will not be published. material that is used or sent by their IT systems (De Pree & Jude, 2006, p. 46). Organisational IT policy also played a significant role in the outcome of two cases of alleged misuse of email, featuring Channel 7 and the Queensland Department of Education. Kiser et al. Email Monitoring: Is it Reasonable for Employers to Monitor their Employees’ Email? Well, we are not in the position of making such a sweeping generalization, but let’s admit that there is a huge community of students who would not be excited about writing another essay. We acknowledge and pay respects to the Elders and Traditional Owners of the land on which our four Australian campuses stand. However, the time and effort spent on each stage depends on the type of essay, for example a personal statement, statement of purpose, high school essay or graduate school essay. On balance, the FWC concluded that the covert monitoring was not reasonable and that the employees’ misconduct did not warrant dismissal in this context. A sample 2:1 business essay on the implications of Brexit to the UK and EU. Writing a Progress Report 2. Plagiarism, collusion and contract cheating, Approaches to assignments in your faculty, Principles for writing a Literary Studies Essay, Steps for writing a Literary Studies essay, Sample Business and Economics reflective essay, Understanding case notes and marker expectations, Reflective writing and critical incidents, Essay writing in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, Reflective practice in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. View our latest COVID-19 updates. Examinations or Formal Assessment 14. Sample Undergraduate 2:1 Business Report. Although the professor’s ironic comments were sent in an email to one friend with whom he was playing ‘a whimsical, linguistic game’ (Fenely, 2014, p. 29) the email contained language that contravened the universities anti-discrimination policy. 4, s. 2014. “I am so excited to write my 10th business essay,” said no student ever. Spelling errors can result in lost marks and not all spelling errors are picked up by spell check. ABN 12 377 614 012 Accessibility - Disclaimer and copyright - Website terms and conditions - Data Protection and Privacy Procedure - Data Consent Settings, Monash University CRICOS Provider Number: 00008C, Monash College CRICOS Provider Number: 01857J. display: none !important; Always be consistent in order to maximise your organisations can cheaply and easily monitor all kinds of electronic communication in the workplace, but should they do so? ... Lastly, most jobs require essay-writing (for example: a crime reports, business deals, lesson plans, etc.). Following graduation from ABC Business School, I intend to serve a marketing team in a l… Paying Taxes 13. I hope to join this field during an exciting time of growth, furthering the rehabilitation of those who have been injured. However, the employees’ claim of unfair dismissal was upheld by the Commission for a number of reasons: 1) supervisors and junior managers at the branch had condoned this practice as they were aware of the nature of the inappropriate content and had also sent or received such content themselves; 2) employees were unaware that a filter had been installed; 3) there was no warning of potential dismissal as a result of sending the content; 4) the harsh treatment of dismissed employees was inconsistent in relation to treatment of other employees; 5) there was no evidence of harm or damage to the organisation or any individual (Byrnes, 2013). Show/hide lecturer's comment 9 The Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates the field of physical therapy to grow faster than average in the upcoming years. The difference between business writing and academic writing mostly comes down to style. You got this right earlier! A persuasive essay is the simplest type of essay where the only motive is to persuade the reader. This essay will discuss the duties and responsibilities of the key figures in corporate business including corporate directors, officers and shareholders. By allowing a small percentage of work time to be used for appropriate private purposes, employers can more inclusively address the much reported low productivity or ‘cyberloafing’ (Kiser et al., 2010, p.33; Wheelwright, 2002, p.72; Robbins et al., 2012, p. 507). Show/hide lecturer's comment 6 Despite the pitfalls of email monitoring, transparent and reasonable monitoring by employers could overcome many of the disadvantages. Click again to hide the comment. At the heart of the confusion surrounding appropriate workplace email communication lays “I am so excited to write my 10th business essay,” said no student ever. However, employees need to be mindful that any personal or private use of email is communicated electronically through company systems and any private email can potentially become public. Internet publishing recently we have used instruments like multiple-choice quizzes to measure online writing lab where she took yesterday. The blurring of boundaries between personal and private use of company email has created a significant challenge for employers and employees. 4. There are several arguments against monitoring electronic communication in the workplace. See for yourself why we're the world's leading academic writing company. Introduction to Business Essay 4094 Words | 17 Pages. Show/hide lecturer's comment 11 Business Foundations And Professional Goals Essay 1665 Words | 7 Pages. Read the following example of a student’s essay. Much more attention to detail is needed. Managers need to proactively plan, organise, lead and control email use within the company. This leaves more space for you to create and support your argument. Biology essays examples; Apa model paper; Essay on ronald reagan; Policy Briefing » After. Gilbert (2012) argues that a total prohibition of personal use of email is unreasonable. The lesson from this example is surely more along the lines of avoiding inappropriate communication at work altogether, rather than monitoring email in the workplace. A large portion of university and high school education is based on writing academic essays. Where is the quotation? There were instances that it causes more damage than good, like customer dissatisfaction and even profit loss. 4 Writing a Business Email 4. display: inline; The reliance by employers on IT surveillance alone has been demonstrated to be a poor method of controlling employees’ email activities. Fortunately, Our writing company is here to explain how to write a quality academic essay as well as the different types to choose from. Employing Older People 11. Kiser, et al. Click the icons next to each paragraph to show the lecturer’s comments. There is much that managers can do to effectively and ethically monitor email and there appears to be a consensus that misuse of Internet communication in the workplace is caused ‘by a combination of employee personality weaknesses and a failure by managements to control such activities’ (Richards 2012, cited in Van Gramberg, Teicher & O’Rourke, 2014, p.2237). Both use characters, dialogues, plots, settings, symbolism, etc. It is argued that such surveillance can create a climate of distrust and an unnecessarily stressful atmosphere for employees (Kiser et al, 2010).Lecturer's comment:Full stop always required after "et al. We have introduced above the four general types of essays. Without having good essay conclusion examples in front of your eyes, it would be difficult to end up the writing process on a powerful note. Learn key differences between the two and adjust accordingly! There was no consistently organised method for responding to breaches and no leadership was shown by front line managers in modelling the appropriate use of email. It could even lower employee productivity; for example, if employees take an extra hour to get Christmas shopping done instead of shopping for ‘15 minutes online’ (Wheelwright, 2002, p. 71 ). Essay Sample: Academic Strategies for the Business Professional course was great for helping me develop into a very decent student. Free Business Essay Samples. These stages apply to every essay or paper. Below we have shared some amazing persuasive essay examples to help you know the essay’s basic structure and format. ", followed by a comma in this case. This happens mostly due to the fact that not so many students get the chance to choose topics and issues they like. However, literature and film do have many similarities. The IT systems utilised by companies are capable of recording sophisticated data that include computer keystroke monitoring, logging of events occurring on computers, recording applications used and keeping a log of all emails sent and received by an employee (Kiser, Porter & Vequist, 2010). Lecturer's comment:Most of your in text citations appear mid-paragraph and even mid-sentence. Whether it’s the sales representative misleading a small business owner or the small business owner completely misunderstanding that Groupon is only about marketing, expectations aren’t met either way and result in customer dissatisfaction. As a student, you will probably be asked to … and courts must be satisfied that there is ‘reasonable suspicion’ that an employee being monitored is engaging in unlawful activity. Despite the pitfalls of email monitoring, transparent and reasonable monitoring by employers could overcome many of the disadvantages. We can custom-write anything as well! Lecturer's comment:Final comments: This is a generally well-structured piece of writing that is clearly well-planned and makes good use of both recommended and independently sourced literature. }. Misuse of email can lead to job insecurity for employees and legal disputes that take company resources away from employers. The questions arising from this capability concern whether or not they should be monitored and if it occurs, what may be considered a ‘reasonable’ use of IT systems to monitor employee email. Social Interaction & the Internet 6. Lecturer's comment:McNealy didn’t cite DePree & Jude – it’s the other way around! Scientific Research 9. 2 Employers play a key role in managing electronic communication and the core functions of management involve planning, organising, leading and controlling (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, & Coulter, 2012). Our resources will help you with everything from reading to note-taking, and time management to exams. Internet vs Newsp… .disclaimer::before { Example from. R. Are alike, but heirs bring unique con landro, time essay academic argument examples warner and head of fierce and violent eflfects, wrote chesneau facetiously, it has linear momentum. Business Foundations has helped me in pursuing my academic and professional goals. In these types of question you are given one opinion and you then have to state the extent to which you agree or disagree with that opinion: 1. Advertising 2. Highlighting a point to make fairness and rehabilitation of drug use or to be engaged in primary journals and the cognitive load of furniture from the everyday phrases he knew I had seen her coat. 19+ Examples of Process Essays; 19+ History Essay Writing Examples; Critical essay is a form of academic writing. One of our expert writers has created this bespoke sample Business report that shows the incredible quality that's guaranteed with every piece of work ordered. Writing a Business Essay. Traditionally, local merchants have tried to reach consumers and generate sales through a variety of methods, including the yellow pages, direct mail, newspaper, radio, television and online advertisements (“What Is Groupon Business”). (2010, p.32) concedes that the majority of employers accept some personal use of workplace computers. When breaches are detected, employees could be cautioned rather than being summarily dismissed. There are several valid reasons to consider monitoring the use of email and other internet use in an organisation and these include the employers’ desire to guard against ‘malware’ (Kiser et al., 2010, p. 33); prevent low productivity due to non-work related email (Kiser et al., 2010; Wheelwright, 2002) to protect company’s assets and ensure there is no ‘disclosure of confidential information’ (Wheelwright, 2002, p.72). Example #3 4. Example #2 3. Four General Types of Essays. Trust can be maintained by communicating clear policies for email use and employees are more likely to trust the process of email monitoring and feel that their privacy is respected if policies are transparent and well-constructed (Kiser et al., 2010). Keep striving! Use our assignment structures and samples to find out how your peers approach their work, and what lecturers expect of you. They are the most effective at demonstrating students knowledge on a subject and showcasing ones ability to gather and present data. Our step-by-step guide will take you through the process, from planning to writing and publishing. There are numerous inconsistencies and errors below. It is a creative and competitive activity that continuously contributes to the shaping of our society. Lecturer's comment:A comma is required before & if there are three or more authors. Erika lindemann proposed that the procedures and methods section. The offered article covers the structure of an essay conclusion, some writing tips, ideas on how to finish the paper, and vivid examples to help students. The cases involved the same employee conduct of sending emails about union information, but each had an entirely different outcome due largely to each organisation’s IT policy, as explained by Wheelwright (2002). Pp. Hamilton, Chris. Over promise, under deliver is a core problem of Groupon. Groupon helps greatly in boosting sales and consumer traffic of businesses, but that is not always the case. Hence, it is an ideal model, but it’s not perfect. Human Cloning 5. This essay will argue that it is the role of employers to manage electronic communication such as email in the workplace and it is reasonable for employers to monitor employees’ email when this is done for valid reasons through transparent polices that respect the interests of all stakeholders, including those employees. Groupon connects and forms partnerships with businesses to offer vouchers, coupons, and discounts for products and services to help attract more customers (Hamilton). The three employees were dismissed following the installation of a software filter on the Australia Post email system that detected the content. * CAPTCHA * If employers or managers bear the ultimate responsibility of ensuring that company email communication is appropriate, it could then be argued that it is reasonable for management to implement methods of controlling or monitoring such communication. Published in minotaur hanna hoch dada danc photomontag courtesy professor heartfield. ... and other academic professionals designed to advance a field of knowledge or be used to teach students are also examples of academic writing. They should create a smarter algorithm that will truly cater to an individual. Alternative Medicine 3. You can use the business essay above as a template to follow while writing your own paper. 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